I want next gen leaders to win.
I want to help you win in Next Gen Ministry.
Over half of kid’s ministry leaders say kid’s ministry is often forgotten at their church.
The tenure for the average youth pastor is disputed, but typically too short.
Two-thirds of young adults growing up in church will drop off after high school.
It seems that there has been a failure to disciple a generation.
But the story isn’t finished.
There is more to be written. Together, we can decide what the next chapters will say.
Hi, I’m Brent.
Over 25 years
of Next Gen ministry, I…
Pastored a growing student ministry from 300 to 1,400 students.
Created and led over 40 camps and retreats.
Guided students and leaders through a massive church scandal and crisis.
Helped plant a church and launched successful kids and student ministries from scratch.
Oversaw multisite kids and student ministries as a campus pastor and next gen pastor.
I’ll help with how so you can do what matters most.
How I help
I want to help you…
Lead a unified and cohesive multisite kids or student ministry
Plan an engaging and effective calendar year of messages and events
Disciple students with transformative and fun camps and retreats
Teach your kids and students to worship and pray
Launch a kids or student ministry with a strong foundation
Recruit and train enough leaders to disciple students